Create Your Own Stencil for Pumpkin Carving With These 5 Easy Steps

Use Noun Project icons to DIY your way to the best Halloween pumpkin yet 🎃

Carving pumpkins this week? You can create your very own carving stencils using Noun Project icons. It’s easy as (pumpkin) pie.

Want to show off your creation? From October 24-31, 2023, tag us on Twitter @nounproject with a photo of your pumpkin and its reference icon and you could win a $100 Target Giftcard!

First, pick your icon

Visit or open the Noun Project Mac App. Search for the icon you’d like to turn into a stencil for your pumpkin. Solid icons and icons with a clearly defined outline work best. Choose simple icons instead of icons with lots of intricate detail for the best results.

Here are a few examples of icons that work well as stencils:

Bats icon by Leona Grande; Zombie Hand icon by Cristiano Zoucas
Monster icon by Alvaro Cabrera; Undead icon by Icons Producer

Use search terms like “Halloween solid” or “Halloween glyph” to find filled icons, rather than those with intricate outlines and detail.

Next, download your icon

Download your icon as a PNG and open the file in Preview.

Then, print and transfer your stencil

Measure your pumpkin and resize the icon to fit. Print your icon in the final size you need. Place the stencil on your pumpkin with tape to carve directly through the stencil, or you can transfer the stencil by tracing it on to the surface of your pumpkin.

Print your icon

Transfer your stencil to the pumpkin

Finally, get carving!

Tweet us @nounproject to show us your silly, scary and fun Halloween pumpkins!

*Please remember, safety first! Carve at your own risk.


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Lindsay Stuart

VP, Brand Marketing & Communications at Noun Project

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